Merry Christmas from Everyone at Living Clean!

07 12 2023

merry christmas

One of the best things about working for a cleaning company at this time of year is getting to see all the beautifully decorated homes and businesses in the build up to Christmas. It certainly puts us into the Christmas spirit! Now where’s that mince pie….?

A big thank you to all of our customers old and new. Merry Christmas to you all! Back in the autumn, all customers will have received information about rotas and schedules during the festive season, but if you have any questions don’t hesitate to get in touch!

Due to the incredible hard work that our staff put in all year round, we’ve taken the decision to give them the Christmas break they so thoroughly deserve. So Living Clean HQ will be closed from 12pm on Friday December 22nd and reopening on Tuesday January 2nd at 9am. We’ll respond to all correspondence and messages received during that period in the New Year!

Merry Christmas Everyone!